Information About Eregep

Direction of ErEgEp

Charalampos Dimopoulos
Professor of Criminology

Assistant Professor of Criminology

Kostas Kosmatos
Lecturer of Criminology

Ioannis Ilias
PhD in Criminology
Commissioned Staff

Vassiliki Theologi
PhD in Criminology
Commissioned Staff

Marinos Skandamis
PhD in Criminology

Honorable Members
George Kymparides
President of the Bar Association for the district of Rodopi


Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) is a Greek speaking public University that has been established in Northern Greece (Thrace) in 1974. The University covers both theoretical (Law, History, International Affairs, Political Sciences) and practical sciences (Medicine, Polytechnic School).  The Department of Law has its seat in the city of Komotini and started its function in the same year of the establishment of the University (1974). It delivers pre- and post-graduate diplomas (LL.Ms and LL.Ds) in various fields of Law. Every year it accommodates 600 new enrolments in the first year of law pre-graduate studies.  
The Laboratory of Forensic Sciences (: ErEgEp) of the Faculty of Law of Democritus University of Thrace is attached to the Department of Criminal and Forensic Sciences of the Faculty of Law and  was established in 1974 under Art. 3 of the presidential decree no 633 of 27/30.9.1974 (Official Gazette Α’ 273). Initially named "Laboratory of Criminology and Forensic Psychology", the Laboratory was put into action in 1986, and with the ministerial decision B1/446 of 8.4.1993 changed its appellation into "Laboratory of Forensic Sciences". The Laboratory functions ever since under an internal regulation, which has been approved by the Presidential decree no 165/1990. 
Up today the Laboratory of Forensic Sciences (: ErEgEp) has carried out numerous research projects on various issues related to criminal and forensic sciences. It has also organized several colloquia related e.g. to the policy of drugs; to domestic violence; to the integration of migrants from an anticrime policy aspect; to racism and xenophobia; etc. 
A full report on ErEgEp’s activities of its early years is presented by: Panoussis Y., Laboratory of Forensic Sciences of Faculty of Law of Democritus University of Thrace: Activities Report 1994-1997, published by Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens, 1999, pp.136, (Criminology series, Vol. number 12).


According to its constitutional Presidential Decree, the Laboratory's mission is:

  • The study, research and in depth examination of Forensic Sciences;
  • To cover tuitional and research needs for Law students of undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the field of Forensic sciences;
  • To conduct research projects;
  • To organize scientific and academic colloquia, seminars, meetings, conferences and other scientific events and 
  • The collaboration with other academic institutions or research centers, scientific or social entities, providing that their scientific objectives coincide or concur with those of the Laboratory, in mutual ways.
  • Visit by undergraduate students (in their 1st semester) to the Courts of Rodopi to follow a regular trial procedure.
  • Visit to the General Police Headquarters of East Macedonia and Thrace in the framework of the course of Forensic science (2nd semester)
  • Visit to the Museum of Criminology in Athens
  • Visit by undergraduate students in their 1st and 2nd semesters to the Komotini General Penitentiary Facility, in the framework of Penitentiary Science courses.
  • Within the Laboratory's premises there is a fully functioning library and study room with provided use of computers and Internet for the use of students. 
  • The library and study room are open to the students according to the planned schedule, and supervised by its members (3-4 times per week).
  • If opening hours change this is notified accordingly.
  • In the library there is also provided an e-library system for the use of students. 
  • Team for the organisation of events/seminars/colloquia
  • Team for book presentations (on issues of criminal and forensic interest)
  • Film club (presentation of films and documentaries on issues of criminal and forensic interest supported by related essays)
  • Team for library and e-library support
  • Athanasia Sykiotou, "The draft οf the new Correctional Codex. Rationalizing our correctional system?", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2013, presented by undergraduate student Demetres Kontogiannis on April 2014.
  • Denis Szabo, "From anthropology to comparative Criminology. Four Courses in the College of France", (Greek transl. by Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2013), presented by undergraduate student Demetres Lionas on March 2014.
  • Panagiotis Papaioannou, "Serial killers and Mass murderers", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications 2013, presented by undergraduate student Sofia Papadima on March 2014.
  • Irene Pantazi-Melista, "Correctional measures, their impact on adolescent psychology and on preventing juvenile delinquency", Ant. N. Sakkoulas publications, 2013, presented by undergraduate student Vivi Kourtidou on March, 2014.
  • Howard S. Becker, "The Outsiders", (Greek transl. by Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2000), presented by undergraduate student Eleana Panagopoulou on January 2014.
  • N. K. Koulouris, "Supervision and criminal justice - Alternative punishments and dispersion of prison", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2009, presented by postgraduate student Konstantinos Parcharidis on October 2013.
  • A. Giotopoulou-Marangopoulou (ed.), "Group violence and aggressiveness in schools", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2010, presented by undergraduate student Andrioti Katerina on March, 2012.
  • Stergios Alexiadis, "The finances of Crime", Sakkoulas publications, 2010, presented by undergraduate student Eleni-Maria Skordili on May 2012.
  • Aggeliki Pitsela, "A criminological approach to economic crime", Sakkoulas publications, 2011, presented by undergraduate student Kitsiou Ioanna on May 2012.
  • Cesare Beccaria, "On crimes and penalties", (Greek transl. by Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 1988), presented by undergraduate student Ioannis Papadakis on April 2012.
  • L. Hulsman - J. Bernat de Celis, "Ineffective penalties- the criminal justice system under critique", (Greek transl. by  Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 1997), presented by undergraduate student Varsamaki Vasiliki on April 2012.
  • E. de Greef, "Love and crimes of Love", (Greek transl. by Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 1989), presented by undergraduate student Vellioti Christina on March 2012. 
  • Gunther Jacobs, "Compulsion and individuals in Law", (Greek transl. by Eurasia publications, 2011), presented by postgraduate student and lawyer Irene Milona on March 2012.
  • A. Magganas, G. Lazos, D. Svourdakou (ed.), "Criminology from the bottom up", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2010, presented by graduating student Voskaki Antonia on March 2012.
  • M. Kaiafa-Gbandi, "Supervision models in a secure state and a fair criminal trial", Nomiki Viviliothiki publications, 2010, presented by undergraduate student Parcharidis Konstantinos on March 2012.
  • Jacques Léauté, "Human Violence", (Greek transl. by Nomiki Viviliothiki publications, 1991), presented by undergraduate student Manos Aristomenis on March 2012.
  • Michel Foucault, "I, Pierre Riviere, Having Slaughtered my Mother, my Sister and my Brother", (Greek transl. by Kedros publications, 2002), presented by lawyer and member of the laboratory Papageorgiou Panagiotis on February 2012.
  • I. Manoledakis, "Law and Ideology: Critical thoughts", Sakkoulas publications, 2011, presented by undergraduate student Lucci Christiana on January 2012.
  • Ch. Debuyst, "Ethological standard and Criminology", (Greek transl. Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 1999), presented by undergraduate student Kitsiou Ioanna on January 2012.
  • I. Tzivaras, "International Criminal Law, War Crimes and the profile of the War Criminal", Ant. N. Sakkoulas publications, 2010, presented by undergraduate student Papadakis Ioannis on December 2011.
  • Cesare Lombroso, "L'Uomo delinquent ",(The delinquent man), Greek tranls. by Cactus publications, 2002, presented by undergraduate student Liontou Marita on November 2011.
  • Y. Panoussis, "Rethinking Criminology", N. Vivliothiki publications, 2009, presented by undergraduate student Liontou Marita on November 2011.
  • M. Foucault, "Discipline and punishment: The birth of Prison", (Greek transl. Kedros-Rappa publications, 1989), presented by undergraduate student Voskaki Antonia on May 2011.
  • N. Chantzinikolaou, "Criminal prevention of illegal migration", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2009, presented by Danelian Athanasios, Law School Bachelor degree holder on March 2011.
  • N. Kourakis (ed.), "Violent acts and their logic: Psychoanalytical, sociological and philosophical approaches", Ant. N. Sakkoulas publications, 2009, presented by lawyer Papageorgiou Panagiotis on April 2010.
  • St. Pavlou, G. Dimitraenas, "The legalization of profit stemming from criminal activity in its diachronic state", Sakkoulas publications, 2009, presented by Law School graduate Meggos Georgios on March 2010.
  • Ilias Anagnostopoulos, "Ne bis in idem. European and International aspects", Sakkoulas publications, 2008, presented by Law School graduate Meggos Georgios on May 2009.


During the period 1991-2001, the Laboratory of Forensic Sciences (: ErEgEp) was publishing the Review: "CHRONICLES of the Laboratory of Criminology and Forensic Psychology of the Law Faculty of Democritus University of Thrace ", in Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publications.
In total, 11 volumes have been published (volume 1-2, 1991; volumes 3-4-5, 1992; volumes 6-7-8, 1994; volumes 9-10, 1997; volumes 11-12, 2001), two of which are in French and one in English. 
Founder of the CHRONICLES was the former Director of the Laboratory, Y. Panoussis. The CHRONICLES include scientific studies, articles, and researches of known scientists with extensive knowledge within the field of penal/criminal and forensic sciences.
Dr. Charalambos Dimopoulos, Professor of Criminology, is since 1997 the Director of the Laboratory. The first director of the Laboratory was Prof. Dr. Y. Panoussis, also Professor of Criminology in the Faculty of Law of Democritus University of Thrace (1985-1997).


The Laboratory's associates are members of the Academic and Research Staff, as well as the commissioned staff in the Department of Criminal and Forensic Sciences, as well as LL.D holders in Criminology of the DUTH Faculty of Law.
Current associates of the Laboratory are: since 2005 Prof. Dr. Athanassia Sykiotou, Assistant Professor of Criminology; since 2003 Dr. Kostas Kosmatos, Lecturer of Criminology; since 2010 Dr. Ioannis Ilias, commissioned staff and since 2012 Dr. Vassiliki Theologi, commissioned staff; and Criminology LL.D holder Marinos Skandamis. 
Previous associates of the Laboratory were Criminology professors: Vasilios Karydis, Theodoros Papatheodorou, Sofia Vidali, Lucia Beze and Nikolaos Koulouris.
The Laboratory of Forensic Sciences accepts as members doctoral candidates, young lawyers, as well as under- and post-graduate students who wish to delve deeper into the field of Forensic Sciences. The most important prerequisite for participation in the Laboratory's activities is the interest of study and enrichment of knowledge in the field for Forensic sciences.
Educational Activities organized and carried out by the Laboratory of Forensic sciences
  • Visit by undergraduate students (in their 1st semester) to the Courts of Rodopi to follow a regular trial procedure.
  • Visit to the General Police Headquarters of East Macedonia and Thrace in the framework of the course of Forensic science (2nd semester)
  • Visit to the Museum of Criminology in Athens
  • Visit by undergraduate students in their 1st and 2nd semesters to the Komotini General Penitentiary Facility, in the framework of Penitentiary Science courses.
The above-mentioned activities are conducted annually.
Apart from the aforementioned, the Laboratory has also organised and conducted educational journeys abroad (Paris 2011, Vienna 2012 and Brussels 2014).

Library & E-library

  • Within the Laboratory's premises there is a fully functioning library and study room with provided use of computers and Internet for the use of students. 
  • The library and study room are open to the students according to the planned schedule, and supervised by its members (3-4 times per week).
  • If opening hours change this is notified accordingly.
  • In the library there is also provided an e-library system for the use of students. 

Scientific activities Teams
Within the Laboratory operate the following teams of scientific activities composed by pre- and post-graduate students:

  • Team for the organisation of events/seminars/colloquia
  • Team for book presentations (on issues of criminal and forensic interest)
  • Film club (presentation of films and documentaries on issues of criminal and forensic interest supported by related essays)
  • Team for library and e-library support

Book Presentations
Each ErEgEp member (pre- and post-graduate students) is committed to make at least two book presentations (one on a newly published work and one on a classical work of Criminal and Forensic Sciences).
In the period between 2009-2014 the following 27 books have been presented:

  • Athanasia Sykiotou, "The draft οf the new Correctional Codex. Rationalizing our correctional system?", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2013, presented by undergraduate student Demetres Kontogiannis on April 2014.

The book draws attention to the practical issues of Greece's correctional policy and facilities, while it critises the proposed solutions of the new correctional bill. 

  • Denis Szabo, "From anthropology to comparative Criminology. Four Courses in the College of France", (Greek transl. by Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2013), presented by undergraduate student Demetres Lionas on March 2014.

This book presents 4 courses of Szabo at the College of France.  The author presents during the first two courses how Anthropology made the turn into Criminology, and in the other two, it is comparatively viewed and analyzed as an indispensable tool to understanding and battling crime.

  • Panagiotis Papaioannou, "Serial killers and Mass murderers", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications 2013, presented by undergraduate student Sofia Papadima on March 2014.

Starting from the existing psychological profiling methods, the writer draws a parallel between well-known serial killers and mass murderers, and cases that appeared in Greece, while at the same time he tries to clarify misconceptions between the two terms, especially within the legislative framework.

  • Irene Pantazi-Melista, "Correctional measures, their impact on adolescent psychology and on preventing juvenile delinquency", Ant. N. Sakkoulas publications, 2013, presented by undergraduate student Vivi Kourtidou on March, 2014.
This book is a critical evaluation of the existing correctional measures for juvenile offenders and their effectiveness, in relation to the long term psychological and social impact on the child offender.

  • Howard S. Becker, "The Outsiders", (Greek transl. by Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2000), presented by undergraduate student Eleana Panagopoulou on January 2014.
Becker’s classical work explores the relation between crime and marginalized groups.

  • N. K. Koulouris, "Supervision and criminal justice - Alternative punishments and dispersion of prison", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2009, presented by postgraduate student Konstantinos Parcharidis on October 2013.

The book presents alternative correctional methods in order to avoid and prevent congestion in the prison system.
  • A. Giotopoulou-Marangopoulou (ed.), "Group violence and aggressiveness in schools", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2010, presented by undergraduate student Andrioti Katerina on March, 2012.
The book is based on a colloquium that discussed the social and psychological roots of school aggression and bullying, while presented countering methods.
  • Stergios Alexiadis, "The finances of Crime", Sakkoulas publications, 2010, presented by undergraduate student Eleni-Maria Skordili on May 2012.
This work presents the relationship between finances and criminal activity.
  • Aggeliki Pitsela, "A criminological approach to economic crime", Sakkoulas publications, 2011, presented by undergraduate student Kitsiou Ioanna on May 2012.
The work is entirely focused on the study of economic crimes both from a criminological and legal point of view.
  • Cesare Beccaria, "On crimes and penalties", (Greek transl. by Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 1988), presented by undergraduate student Ioannis Papadakis on April 2012.
This book is Beccaria's classical work, a reflection upon criminal actions and the corresponding penalties. 
  • L. Hulsman - J. Bernat de Celis, "Ineffective penalties- the criminal justice system under critique", (Greek transl. by  Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 1997), presented by undergraduate student Varsamaki Vasiliki on April 2012.
This classical book is a critical view on the criminal justice and penalty system.
  • E. de Greef, "Love and crimes of Love", (Greek transl. by Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 1989), presented by undergraduate student Vellioti Christina on March 2012. 
  • Gunther Jacobs, "Compulsion and individuals in Law", (Greek transl. by Eurasia publications, 2011), presented by postgraduate student and lawyer Irene Milona on March 2012.
The book treats the relationship between individuals and the criminal justice system and creates a theory of the enemy where some serious criminals should be treated as enemies.
  • A. Magganas, G. Lazos, D. Svourdakou (ed.), "Criminology from the bottom up", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2010, presented by graduating student Voskaki Antonia on March 2012.
  • M. Kaiafa-Gbandi, "Supervision models in a secure state and a fair criminal trial", Nomiki Viviliothiki publications, 2010, presented by undergraduate student Parcharidis Konstantinos on March 2012.
This book is about the methods of supervising the public and the fair trial in relation to the constitutional rights of individuals and the factor of a secure state.
  • Jacques Léauté, "Human Violence", (Greek transl. by Nomiki Viviliothiki publications, 1991), presented by undergraduate student Manos Aristomenis on March 2012.
This is Léauté’s famous classical work on human violence and its causes.
  • Michel Foucault, "I, Pierre Riviere, Having Slaughtered my Mother, my Sister and my Brother", (Greek transl. by Kedros publications, 2002), presented by lawyer and member of the laboratory Papageorgiou Panagiotis on February 2012.
A case study by Foucault and associates, of a multiple homicide case in a family in the year 1835. 
  • I. Manoledakis, "Law and Ideology: Critical thoughts", Sakkoulas publications, 2011, presented by undergraduate student Lucci Christiana on January 2012.
  • Ch. Debuyst, "Ethological standard and Criminology", (Greek transl. Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 1999), presented by undergraduate student Kitsiou Ioanna on January 2012.
This book is Debuyst’s classical work on crime in relation to its ethical and ideological roots.
  • I. Tzivaras, "International Criminal Law, War Crimes and the profile of the War Criminal", Ant. N. Sakkoulas publications, 2010, presented by undergraduate student Papadakis Ioannis on December 2011.
The book examines the War criminals and War crimes, under the prism of Criminal Law, followed by the criminological approach and the criminal's profile.
  • Cesare Lombroso, "L'Uomo delinquent ",(The delinquent man), Greek tranls. by Cactus publications, 2002, presented by undergraduate student Liontou Marita on November 2011.
Cesare Lombroso's classical work, presenting his biological theory concerning the development of criminal acts and the criminal turn of individuals.
  • Y. Panoussis, "Rethinking Criminology", N. Vivliothiki publications, 2009, presented by undergraduate student Liontou Marita on November 2011.
  • M. Foucault, "Discipline and punishment: The birth of Prison", (Greek transl. Kedros-Rappa publications, 1989), presented by undergraduate student Voskaki Antonia on May 2011.
The book is Foucault’s classical work giving a full description of the development of the correctional system in France; presenting no solutions, but the opinion that the public should undertake that task, whereas it is to scientists to present the facts with logic and precision. 
  • N. Chantzinikolaou, "Criminal prevention of illegal migration", Nomiki Vivliothiki publications, 2009, presented by Danelian Athanasios, Law School Bachelor degree holder on March 2011.
The book is a critical approach on the issue of illegal migration into Greece and the methods for preventing it.
  • N. Kourakis (ed.), "Violent acts and their logic: Psychoanalytical, sociological and philosophical approaches", Ant. N. Sakkoulas publications, 2009, presented by lawyer Papageorgiou Panagiotis on April 2010.
The book is a collective work presenting various legal and psychiatric approaches to the interpretation of violence.
  • St. Pavlou, G. Dimitraenas, "The legalization of profit stemming from criminal activity in its diachronic state", Sakkoulas publications, 2009, presented by Law School graduate Meggos Georgios on March 2010.
This book is an anthology of publications by the writers with critical reviews on each legislative amendment on money laundering.
  • Ilias Anagnostopoulos, "Ne bis in idem. European and International aspects", Sakkoulas publications, 2008, presented by Law School graduate Meggos Georgios on May 2009.
The book is about the principle "ne bis in idem" and its implementation in the field of International and European Law.
Research Activity
Since it started functioning, the Laboratory of Forensic Sciences has conducted numerous research programmes and activities individually, as well as in collaboration with other entities. Most notable are:
1987: “Views on criminally punishable acts and self-professed juvenile delinquency”, coordinated by: Y. Panoussis, L. Beze.
1988: “Financial criminality in the Appelate Court of Thrace”, funded by: DUTH Council for Research, coordinated by: Ch. Dimopoulos.
1988: “The need to rehabilitate minors reaching the Supervisor for delinquents”, coordinated by Y. Panoussis.
1991: “Alternative solutions to imprisonment: Release with parole”, funded by: DUTH Council for Research, coordinated by: Y. Panoussis.
1993-1995: “Komotini correctional facilities: Rejection site or Social site”, DUTH Law faculty, coordinated by: Y. Panoussis.
1994: “Educational Programmes in the correctional facility of Komotini”, approved by the Ministry of Justice, coordinated by Ch. Dimopoulos.
1994: “Emotional relations of female inmates”, approved by the Ministry of Justice, coordinated by: Y. Panoussis, L. Beze.
1994: “Temporary confinement and restrictive conditions in the Greek judicial practice”, DUTH council of research, coordinated by: Y. Panoussis.
1995-1997: “ Youth, leisure time activities and models of deviant behaviour”, coordinated by Y. Panoussis.
1996-1998: “Smuggling or merchantise of smuggled consumable goods in the districts of Evros and Rodope as a form of non-evident criminal activity and its repercussions in the development of the area”, coordinated by: Y. Panoussis.
2003-2005: “Research on the institution of release under parole (ar.105 Penal Code) in the decisions of Rodopi Courts”, coordinated by: Ch. Dimopoulos, A. Sykiotou, K. Kosmatos.
2005-2007: “Research conducted via European program AGIS on the behavior of clients in human trafficking”, under AGIS European Program, (Project JLS/2005/AGIS/123) an international research program funded by the EU, concerning demand in trafficking of human beings, titled “Demand of Stolen Lives. Researching the Demand Side of Trafficking” coordinated by: Ch. Dimopoulos and A. Sykiotou.
2007-2008: “Research in the Komotini, Larissa, Thessaloniki first instance courts on the application of measures introduced for underage perpetrators with law 3189/2003”(with assistance of Post-Graduate students in the Masters of Criminology 2007-2008), coordinated by: Ch. Dimopoulos, A. Sykiotou, K. Kosmatos.
2010: “Research on students of Law, Economic Sciences and Police Academy about the criminal image, self-professed guilt, and victimization”, coordinated by: Ch. Dimopoulos, K. Kosmatos.
2011-2012: “The criminal activity of multi-national corporations and their input on the formation of an anti-crime policy”, coordinated by: Ch. Dimopoulos and A. Sykiotou.
2012: “Research on the General Correctional Facility of Komotini”, approved by the Ministry for Justice, Integrity and Human Rights, coordinated by: Ch. Dimopoulos, K. Kosmatos.

2014-2015: “Research on domestic violence in the district of Komotini”, coordinated by: Ch. Dimopoulos and A. Sykiotou.


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